March 14 - 21, 2009

  • Chagres River from Gamboa Rainforest Resort
  • Gamboa Rainforest Resort
  • Mouth of Chagres River
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • for our ride on the Chagres River
  • on the Chagres
  • Fort San Lorenzo
  • Gatun Dam
  • market in Gamboa
  • market in Gamboa
  • dugouts up the Chagres River
  • Embera on the Chagres
  • up the Chagres
  • along the Chagres
  • Embera welcoming party
  • Embera village
  • Embera village
  • fixing lunch
  • fixing lunch
  • yum ! - Tilapia and fried plantain
  • village mayor
  • traditional dress
  • cell phone booth
  • Embera school
  • flute player
  • traditional dance
  • dancers
  • dancing
  • Lois and the mayor
  • resort shuttle
  • Barro Colorado Island
  • Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
  • Lois
  • Summit gardens
  • Harpy Eagle exhibit
  • Cuna indian woman (maker of molas)
  • Finca Lerida
  • Inn at Finca Lerida coffee plantation
  • hiking
  • I saw a Quetzal!!
  • at the trailhead
  • continental divide near Boquete
  • bag of coffee
  • drying the beans
  • coffee "cherry"
  • coffee "cupping"
  • view from the plantation
  • intrepid hikers
  • Lois, Rick, and Cesar birding
  • Boquete
  • traditional "chiva" bus
  • ice cream break
  • Panama City skyline
  • Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • golden altar - Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • Jesuit ruins - Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • Rene Cafe - Casca Viejo, Panama City
  • IE tour group