March, 2009

  • canal map (north is to the left)
  • Miraflores visitor center and museum
  • lunch at Miraflores visitor center
  • Gatun Locks - original "mule" (and Lois)
  • Gatun Locks
  • Gatun Locks control building
  • Gatun Locks looking toward Caribbean
  • Gatun Locks
  • Gatun Locks - "mule" engine
  • Canal pilot on bridge
  • Gatun Locks
  • Titan floating crane
  • canal dredge in Gatun Lake
  • drill platform (for blasting) in Gatun Lake
  • canal widening project - Gatun Lake
  • canal widening project - Gatun lake
  • canal cruise on Fantasia Del Mar
  • canal tug
  • navigation markers
  • dredge in Culebra cut
  • passing through the Galliard (Culebra) cut
  • "Thor" placing explosives in Culebra cut
  • Galliard (Culebra) cut
  • third set of locks (under construction)
  • canal widening project in Culebra cut
  • canal widening project in Culebra cut
  • canal widening project (tubes for blasting)
  • new Centennial Bridge
  • Cantennial Bridge
  • Panama Railroad moving containers
  • Pedro Miguel locks
  • location of third set of locks
  • canal widening project
  • canal "mule" engine
  • cruise ship
  • canal widening project
  • Pedro Miguel locks
  • Pedro Miguel locks
  • Miraflores locks - our ship (Fantasia Del Mar is on the right)
  • small boats in Mirraflores locks
  • Mirraflores locks
  • Mirraflores locks
  • Mirraflores locks
  • Mirraflores locks
  • cargo - wind turbine towers
  • canal widening project
  • Ancon Hill
  • Bridge of the Americas, car carrier ship in port
  • U.S. Navy taking on suppies
  • Bridge of the Americas, Pan American Highway
  • ships waiting to enter canal
  • pilot boat
  • disimbarking Fantasia Del Mar